CCSP & TEC Savers

Programmes Implementation Platform – PIP - POBAL

Community Childcare Subvention Plus & Training and Education Childcare (CCSP/TEC) Saver Programme Year 2020/2021 (17th August 2020 -13th August 2021)

The CCSP/TEC Saver Programme provides support for eligible parent/guardians on a low income to avail of reduced childcare costs at participating childcare services during the 2020/2021 programme year. The children who were registered for CCSP/TEC in the 2019/20 programme year and retain registrations under CCSP/TEC Saver Programme are referred to as ‘Savers’.

No new registrations can be made under the CCSP/TEC Saver Programme for children who have not been previously registered on CCSP/TEC 2019/20. If a child ages out of the CCSP/TEC Saver Programme i.e. turns 15 years of age, the parent will no longer be eligible for reduced childcare costs for this child under this programme.

Savers and conditions for retention of the Saver status

A Saver is a person who, on the 15th November 2019, prior to the launch of the National Childcare Scheme (NCS), was a beneficiary of the CCSP/TEC Programme and who chose not to move to the NCS and instead retained their existing level of subsidy for the 2019/2020 programme year (18th August 2019 to 14th August 2020).

It is important to note if a child leaves a service voluntarily,  they have the  4 week’s notice period to take up a CCSP/TEC Saver Programme place in another ELC and/ or /SAC service.  In circumstances where a child has to involuntarily leave a service e.g. closure of a service, they have up until the end of a continuous period of 12  weeks (defined as non payable) to take up a CCSP/TEC Saver Programme childcare place in a registered ELC and/or SAC service to retain your child’s Saver status.   This 12 week period begins immediately after the last week the child attended. 

Information relating to the Rules for CCSP/TEC Saver Programme 2020/20201 are available below.

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CCSP Saver Programme eligibility

CCSP Saver programme eligibility is determined by the status of the applicant with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) within one month prior to the week of the child start date on the Programme. PPSNs are cross referenced with the DEASP and the HSE to determine eligibility and verify a child’s entitlement to subvention. Therefore supporting documentation is not required. However, if a parent is in receipt of one of the following;
  • ETB/Solas Training Allowance
  • Springboard Course
  • Youth Employment Support Scheme
  • Maternity Benefit
  • Secondary School Student
The parent is required to complete a CCSP Saver Programme Verification Form, which will need to be attached to their registration.

Making an Appeal

A parent has the right to appeal a band rate if they believe an error has occurred. This appeal is processed through the PIP system by the Provider.

Parent No Longer Eligible

A parent who is no longer eligible for subsidised childcare under the CCSP/TEC Saver Programme may be eligible under the National Childcare Scheme. NCS provides financial support for children aged from 24 weeks who are attending any participating Tusla registered ELC and/or SAC service. Advise the parent to seek further information on the website  or by contacting the NCS Parent Support Centre at 01–9068530