Childcare Committee
A Child Safeguarding Statement is a written statement that specifies the service being provided and the principles and procedures to be observed in order to ensure, as far as practicable, that a child availing of the service is safe from harm. It includes a risk assessment, measures to manage any risks and a number of mandatory safeguarding policies and procedures. Childminders will be legally required to have a child safeguarding statement. This is covered in the Pre-Registration Training Session’s provided by Leitrim County Childcare Committee.
This Programme supports people to recognising concerns about children and reporting such concerns if they arise. This training is mandatory in order to become Tusla Registered.
Children First E-Learning ProgrammeTusla – Child and Family Agency
Mandated persons are people who have contact with children and/or families and who, because of their qualifications, training and/or employment role, are in a key position to help protect children from harm. This eLearning module has been developed to provide information on, and understanding of, the role and responsibilities of mandated persons as outlined in the Children First Act 2015.
Mandated Person eLearning moduleTusla – Child and Family Agency
For more information on Always Children First Foundation Training for Childminders, please contact
Tusla Child Protection & Welfare:
Child Protection & WelfareTusla – Child and Family Agency
National Safeguarding Programme:
There is an extensive Childminders Support Pack ready to email to you – including the above documents. To receive one please contact or 0830266622.
© 2020 Leitrim County Childcare Committee CLG. CRA No.: 20048587