Childcare Committee
As part of the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021 – 2028, new regulations specifically developed for childminders who work in their own homes where developed. The regulations were published on the 19th of September 2024 and came into operation on the 30th of September 2024. From this date, childminders can apply for registration with Tusla.
The Child Care (Amendment) Act 2024 provides a transition period of three years for the new childminding regulations. This means that from the 30th of September 2024, childminders will be able to register with Tusla but it will not be mandatory until the end of the transition period in September 2027.
Childminders who mind 3 or fewer preschool children and 6 or fewer children in total will continue to be exempt for the duration of the transitional period.
Only childminders who are minding more than 3 preschool children or more than 6 children in total will be required to register immediately.
See Regulations and Explanatory Guidance below:
Microsoft Word – 20240911_Childminding_Services_Regulations_Final_updates_tracked (
Microsoft Word – 20240912Guidance_updates_with_regs (
To register with Tusla you must have the following documents:
The Childminding pre-registration training is a mandatory course for anyone who intends to register with Tusla for a childminding service. This training is accessible through your local CCC. For more information contact: Aoife O’Neill, Childminding Development Officer on or 083 4683773.
For further information on the implementation of the childminding regulations visit:
Early Years Inspectorate – Childminding ServicesTusla – Child and Family Agency
To submit your online application for your childminding service visit:
You can contact Tusla Childminding advice line, either via email or on (061) 440600 (option 9).
There is an extensive Childminders Support Pack ready to email to you – including the above documents. To receive one please contact or 0830266622.
© 2020 Leitrim County Childcare Committee CLG. CRA No.: 20048587