Pobal Compliance

Pobal is contracted, on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) , to conduct compliance visits with each participating childcare service that operates one or more of the National Childcare Programmes.

In order to make compliance visits as efficient as possible for both providers and visit officers, service providers should ensure their compliance file is kept up to date and contains: 

  • Attendance records
  • Enrolment details (including minimum enrolment exemption where relevant)
  • Parental declaration forms (for any exemption requests submitted)
  • Parent statements (signed & dated)
  • Fee records
  • Staff qualifications

ECCE compliance:

NCS Compliance:

Pobal recommend that services keep an easily accessible Compliance file on–site, and they issue a Provider File Checklist to assist in the collation of relevant information for the visit.

The purpose of the Compliance Visit is to verify:

  • The children who have been registered with the DCEDIY under one of the childcare programmes are actually enrolled and attending the service at the correct level of attendance as per registration.
  • The service is implementing the correct Fee Payment Policy.
  • The Fee Payment Policy and Calendars are displayed in the service
  • Parent Statements are signed and dated and on file for all families availing of the service.
  • Records are maintained of optional extra charges, deposits and for additional hours and are in accordance with the Fee Payment Policy of the service.
  • The service can show the qualifications of all staff working directly with children.

Pobal works on behalf of Government to support communities and local agencies toward achieving social inclusion and development.