Childcare Committee
Pobal is contracted, on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) , to conduct compliance visits with each participating childcare service that operates one or more of the National Childcare Programmes.
In order to make compliance visits as efficient as possible for both providers and visit officers, service providers should ensure their compliance file is kept up to date and contains:
ECCE compliance:
NCS Compliance:
Once a CHICK has been presented and childcare hours have been agreed, a NCS agreement must be physically signed and dated on the same day by both the service provider and the parent and both should retain a copy.
The below document offers guidance on the content of written NCS agreements with parents who receive subsidies under the National Childcare Scheme.
In November 2019 Pobal published Compliance Guide for Service Providers (Nov 2019) which provides further information on Compliance Visits, click on the cover below.
To Compliance and Beyond is also a very useful resource produced by Dublin City Childcare Committee. It is a guide for Early Years providers and practitioners to provide information that can support you in achieving compliance with general practice, regulations, health and safety, funding and employment legislation. Click on the cover below.
© 2020 Leitrim County Childcare Committee CLG. CRA No.: 20048587