Childcare Committee
If you are an existing childminder or new childminder and wish to become a Tusla registered childminder you have to apply through Tusla Registration Office.
Annually the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) announces the availability of the Childminder Development Grant. The Childminder Development Grant is a small grant designed to assist existing and potential childminders to enhance the safety and quality of their childminding service.
All applicants must be committed to maintaining/improving the quality of their childminding service.
A grant of up to €1000 is available to an eligible childminder. All childminders can apply for the full Childminding Development Grant every year. However, if the CMDG national budget is oversubscribed, an applicant may receive a lesser amount than applied for. Successful applicants are paid 75% of the grant in advance. Following submission and approval of the CMDG Expenditure Report and receipts for the full amount granted, the remaining 25% is paid to the childminders.
Eligible Equipment:
What is not acceptable eligible equipment?
Minor adaptions or minor works to the house, Painting/Decorating/Flooring etc., Adult size furniture, Trampoline, bouncing castles, swimming pool, outdoor safety mats, concreated areas, polytunnels, subscriptions, memberships and registrations, walkers, travel cot, games consoles, second hand items, insurances/business expenses, training and CPD, items that would be considered mainly for the home use only, outdoor heaters, office equipment and consumables.
For more information contact:
Aoife O’Neill, Childminding Development Officer:
© 2020 Leitrim County Childcare Committee CLG. CRA No.: 20048587